June 2012:
NZSO Wellington 1/6/12, Christchurch 6/6/12, Auckland 8/6/12
Programme: Dukas “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, Rimsky-Korsakov “Scheherazade”
St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra 17/6/12
Programme including Mozart Symphony No 41 “Jupiter”
APO 28/6/12
Programme including Berlioz “Symphony Fantastique”
May 5: Auckland University Orchestra concerto competition finals - one of the finalists, Natasha Port, is playing the Weber Bassoon concerto.
NZSO Wellington 1/6/12, Christchurch 6/6/12, Auckland 8/6/12
Programme: Dukas “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, Rimsky-Korsakov “Scheherazade”
St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra 17/6/12
Programme including Mozart Symphony No 41 “Jupiter”
APO 28/6/12
Programme including Berlioz “Symphony Fantastique”
May 5: Auckland University Orchestra concerto competition finals - one of the finalists, Natasha Port, is playing the Weber Bassoon concerto.