Wednesday 8 May 7.30pm
Philharmonia Hall,
427 Dominion Rd,
It is an informal occasion so come along and play something you are working on or a duet. If you have a group preparing for the chamber music competitions, why not use this opportunity for a first performance? BYO pianist if you need one. If you are doing a baroque piece, we can find a bassoonist to play the bass line with you.
Sign up by Saturday 4 May
if you would like to play.
You are very welcome to come and listen, even if you are not performing.
NZDRS Performers' Evenings are on the first Wednesday of each month. All members are welcome to play (BYO pianist if you need one!). Great for trying out exam or competition pieces or just having a performance to use as a goal to work towards. Informal, friendly and fun.