- Chamber Music Club 2.00- 4.00pm
Send an email to nzdoublereeds@gmail.com if you would like to come along.
Make your payment by Friday 8 August (details below). N.B new bank account
If you would like to bring your own group including non double reed players, you are most welcome. Just bring your own music to work on. The maximum cost for a group such as this is $100 regardless of how many people, as long as one person is an NZDRS member.
NZDRS members: adults $30, school /university students, $5
Non members: adults $35, school/university students $10
(Non members are invited to come along to one session at member's rates)
Please make payment to NZDRS 38 9016 0011004 00 Include your name/Ch Mus Cl/MonthNZDRS members: adults $30, school /university students, $5
Non members: adults $35, school/university students $10
(Non members are invited to come along to one session at member's rates)
- Life at the Paris Conservatoire 4.00 - 5.30pm
A question and answer session with oboist, Thomas Hutchinson.
Free to members; $10 non members.
Afternoon tea will be provided.
Venue TBC depending on numbers.